We’re announcing a breaking change to the Microsoft Graph basic change notifications for presence and online meeting calls. The change removes data about the changed resource from the notifications. This change applies the established pattern for change notifications to presence and online meeting resources.
After the change is rolled out, basic change notifications will contain the following information only.
Presence basic notification
"value": [
"subscriptionId": "37a10357-9c28-4cb8-8a4f-a85a1e9b5a7b",
"clientState": "PresenceTesting",
"changeType": "updated",
"resource": "communications/presences?$filter=id+in+(%27{userId}%27)",
"subscriptionExpirationDateTime": "2024-04-19T23:58:00.4569264",
"resourceData": {
"@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Graph.presence",
"@odata.id": "users/{userId}/presence",
"id": "{userId}"
"tenantId": "fec73c09-5f32-43fd-b767-9181f871fbcf"
Online meeting basic notification
"value": [
"subscriptionId": "8c78a1f1-d0f8-49d0-85b9-3430e97c0749",
"clientState": "onlineMeetingTesting",
"changeType": "updated",
"resource": "communications/onlineMeetings/?$filter=JoinWebUrl eq '{joinWebUrl}'",
"subscriptionExpirationDateTime": "2024-04-19T23:58:00.4569264",
"resourceData": {
"@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Graph.onlineMeeting",
"@odata.id": "communications/onlineMeetings/?$filter=JoinWebUrl eq '{joinWebUrl}",
"id": "communications/onlineMeetings/?$filter=JoinWebUrl eq '{joinWebUrl}"
"tenantId": "fec73c09-5f32-43fd-b767-9181f871fbcf"
This change will take effect on June 1, 2024.
How does this change affect me?
Presence notifications
If you want to continue to receive presence resource data in your change notifications, subscribe to rich notifications. Rich notifications include encrypted presence resource data in the request body. For more information about how to subscribe to rich notifications, see:
- Set up change notifications that include resource data – Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn
- Get change notifications for presence updates in Microsoft Teams – Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn
If you want to use basic change notifications but you still want to get presence resource data, call the Get user presence API after you subscribe to presence change notifications. Although basic notifications don’t contain presence resource data, they do provide a URL that you can use to access users’ presence data in the @odata.id. For more information, see the following:
- Get change notifications for presence updates in Microsoft Teams – Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn
- Get presence – Microsoft Graph v1.0 | Microsoft Learn
Online meeting call notifications
If you want to continue to receive online meeting call resource data in your change notifications, subscribe to rich notifications. Basic notifications don’t provide enough information to discern what changes occurred for the meeting call other than that something has changed. For more information, see the following:
- Set up change notifications that include resource data – Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn
- Get change notifications for Microsoft Teams meeting call updates – Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn
If you have any questions or feedback, comment on this blog post to let us know.
The post Breaking changes to Microsoft Graph presence and online meeting basic change notifications appeared first on Microsoft 365 Developer Blog.