Announcing general availability of Microsoft Graph APIs for Microsoft Teams...
We are thrilled to announce that the Microsoft Graph APIs for retrieving Microsoft Teams meeting recordings are now generally available. These APIs enable app developers to retrieve meeting recordings...
View ArticleMicrosoft Graph Java SDK v6, now generally available, helps you write...
Microsoft Graph Java SDK is a client library that lets you connect and retrieve data from any of the supported Microsoft services that are available on Microsoft Graph API. In December, we announced...
View ArticleMicrosoft Graph Toolkit v4.0 is now generally available
After a very successful version 3.0 in June 2023, we are excited to announce the general availability of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit v4.0. This release is packed with new capabilities, improvements to...
View ArticleFinal reminder: Outlook REST API v2.0 and beta endpoints decommissioning
As we work to ensure better security, reliability, and performance for our customers, and as we announced in our previous blog post in September 2023, we are decommissioning the Outlook REST v2.0 and...
View ArticleBreaking changes in Microsoft Bookings Graph APIs (beta)
Microsoft Bookings provides support for Microsoft Graph APIs in beta as well as V1. Due to the evolving nature of pre-production APIs (beta APIs), we are implementing some essential modifications in...
View ArticleDev Proxy v0.15 with simulating CRUD APIs secured with Microsoft Entra
We’re excited to announce the release of Dev Proxy v0.15, with new features that allow you to spend more time building your app and less time on things you won’t be shipping. In this updated version:...
View ArticleSimulate handling Teams Admin Center notifications for Microsoft Graph...
Microsoft Graph connectors can be packaged as Microsoft Teams apps, enabling admins to deploy them in Teams Admin Center with a single click. This works by sending a webhook notification to a URL...
View ArticleDev Proxy v0.16 with simulated handling Teams Admin Center notifications for...
Focus on developing your app and not on things that won’t go into production. See how your apps deal with API errors. We’re excited to share the launch of Dev Proxy v0.16, which has new features that...
View ArticleDeprecation of the Microsoft Graph meeting registration beta APIs
In February 2023, Microsoft Teams introduced a new version of Teams webinar that allows for more powerful and controlled registration, additional email capabilities, smooth external presenter...
View ArticleOh to be a dev at the Microsoft 365 Community Conference
We are excited to invite you to the Microsoft 365 Community Conference at Orlando, FL, April 30 – May 2, 2024. It is a wonderful event dedicated to Copilot and AI, SharePoint, Teams, OneDrive, Viva,...
View ArticleOneNote get-pages?search API deprecation
Today, we are announcing the deprecation of the OneNote get-pages?search API endpoint supporting consumer Notebooks. It will be decommissioned on May 5, 2024. Beyond this date, the service will be...
View ArticleMicrosoft Graph API for SharePoint Pages is now generally available
We are thrilled to announce the general availability of the Microsoft Graph API for SharePoint Pages, in all cloud instances – a significant milestone in our commitment to providing useful and flexible...
View ArticleBreaking changes to Microsoft Graph presence and online meeting basic change...
We’re announcing a breaking change to the Microsoft Graph basic change notifications for presence and online meeting calls. The change removes data about the changed resource from the notifications....
View ArticleDirect streaming of SharePoint Driveitem content in Microsoft Graph now...
You can now directly download content of a file (of a Driveitem) in a SharePoint Online site through a single call. Previously, while downloading file content via any endpoint mentioned here, you used...
View ArticleNew capabilities for Microsoft Graph APIs for Teams meetings with external...
Microsoft Graph SMS notification and reminder APIs are now generally available Developers use Microsoft Teams to build solutions for cross-industry, business-to-consumer (B2C) online meeting workflows...
View ArticleMicrosoft Graph town hall APIs now available in beta
Microsoft Teams supports multiple types of scheduled real-time voice and video experiences, such as meetings, webinars, and town halls. With the retirement of Teams live events in favor of Teams Town...
View ArticleBuild 2024: What’s new for Microsoft Graph
In this blog, we’ll highlight how you can expand the knowledge of Copilot for Microsoft 365 with Microsoft Graph connectors and build custom solutions for your business leveraging the data and services...
View ArticleMicrosoft Graph PowerShell and CLI are now verified
We are excited to announce that both Microsoft Graph PowerShell and CLI now have Microsoft set as the verified publisher! We would like to thank you all for your feedback to keep us driving towards...
View ArticleAnnouncing the deprecation of the isPasscodeRequired property on the...
As part of Microsoft’s secure future initiative, we’re announcing the deprecation of the Microsoft Graph API to create an online meeting without a passcode. This API will be removed on September 30,...
View ArticleMicrosoft Graph APIs for Teams webinar registration now generally available
Microsoft Teams supports multiple types of scheduled real-time voice and video experiences. These range from ad hoc meetings suitable for a small number of participants to large structured virtual...
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